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FAO: Cereal Prices up, Cereal Supplies Ample in 2017/18

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FAO: Cereal Prices up, Cereal Supplies Ample in 2017/18

發(fā)布日期:2017-08-05 00:00 來源:http://m.zdshao.net 點(diǎn)擊:

According to FAO, Cereal Price Index averaged 162.2 points in July, prices have risen consistently over the past three months, driven by stronger wheat prices and firmer rice quotations. 

- Wheat values rose the most in July, as continued hot and dry weather deteriorated spring wheat conditions in North America, fuelling quality concerns for higher protein wheat

- Rice quotations were firmer as seasonal tightness, although gains were capped by a slowdown in demand. 

- Maize values remained largely steady, as support provided by a more rapid pace of foreign purchases by China was outweighed by improved weather conditions in the USA.

Global cereal supplies are likely to remain ample in the 2017, 2018 season. 

- Major coarse grains: particularly well supplied following record maize harvests in South America

- Wheat: ample, supplies of high protein wheat could become tighter in view of a deteriorating crop outlook in the USA. 

- Rice: modest production gain, giving way to a comfortable global supply situation in 2017, although much will still depend on the growing conditions in the next few months.

Kaifeng Hyde Machinery focused on seed cleaning equipment, and 1-15t/h seed plant since 2002.

Our 5XZ gravity separators are particularly suitable to remove unqualified spring wheat seeds, maize seeds, paddy seeds in tough growing conditions.

Welcome your inquiry and visit.

Kaifeng Hyde Machinery Co., Ltd. (Maosheng Group)

Tel.: +86 371 23863888 23860003

Fax: +86 371 23865326

Email: hdjxlyt@163.com




上一篇:No.1 Central Document 2017 Issued

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